Visitors and passers-by may have noticed that our Cheadle New Life Church building had scaffolding propped up along its side for a number of weeks.

Lead Pastor Chris Longhurst, who is a builder by trade, and his team – some of whom attend CNLC – have been carrying out several pieces of renovation works on the church in recent months.

Most of the scaffolding has now been removed with a good proportion of the external revamps completed. The structure was in place to help Chris and his team access the roof, where tiles needed to be replaced after weather had dislodged and broken many of them.

Inside the building, three new doors have been installed with added light refurbishments set to follow in the coming months.

Giving an update on what has been carried out so far, Pastor Chris said: “In February last year we had big gales and they blew off our roof tiles and slates. They came down and we noticed there were quite a few tiles dislodged.

“With it being so high, we couldn’t just do it off a ladder, so we had to get scaffolding.”

He added: “Three doors have been done, the toilet door, the kitchen door and the children’s concertina door. The boiler has been rehoused.

“Anything we see that needs doing we’ll see to it. It’s been 15 years since renovations were done so we’re trying to modernise up to date.”

The side scaffolding is now off

Work around the back of the building is seeing the re-firming of several rafters while plans for a children’s creche have been drawn up. Potential long-term proposals include painting and small stage alterations as well as converting our upstairs space into rooms for youth usage.

How it looks inside

Why not come and take a closer look? We hold our Sunday services at 10.30am each weekend – find out more on our website and Facebook page!