On Sunday, Cheadle New Life Church said goodbye to one of its longest-serving members, Sam Dailly, wife Vicky and children Lydia and Elliot.

Sam and Vicky have had a 12-year association with the church and were instrumental in nurturing it to where it is today. They both held their wedding celebration at CNLC before Vicky’s baptism not long after, with blessings Lydia and Elliot being dedicated in later years.

The couple both opened up their homes for regular Bible study groups and had a massive impact in guiding those who attended. They also helped with Sunday School and left the youngsters in our church with broad smiles and confident minds in Jesus.

Sam has been part of the leadership for the majority of his stay and has helped many come to Christ over the years. He has spoken during church and community events, and delivered regular Sunday messages right from his early days.

Vicky has supported the church in numerous ways since her arrival and has many times been the welcoming hand for newcomers. Lydia and Elliot have been much-loved members of our youth and we’ve been honoured to watch them grow and take their first steps of faith.

We will sorely miss them at CNLC but we give our full blessing in what the future holds for them as a family and we look forward to any visits they may make down the line. As Vicky told us: “It’s not goodbye, just ‘see you later’.”

Speaking during Sunday’s service, Lead Pastor Chris Longhurst said: “Twelve years helping us to grow this church – I really don’t know how to express my thanks. Twelve years of being here, building, working, preaching, your advice, your commitment, your love. To see the kids grow and come along.

“Thank you, we’re going to miss you so much. But we want to release you into the future and what God is calling you to do.”

After the service, Pastor Chris said: “Sam and Vicky were involved with CNLC from its humble beginnings and have helped to build and shape the church into where it is today. They will be greatly missed, however I’m sure they will be a real blessing to wherever they go!”

Commenting on his departure, Sam said: “It’s not been an easy decision and it’s not been a quick decision. It’s been a 12-year period of our lives and God’s had us in the right place. We’ve done some fantastic stuff.

“But we can’t sit in the comfy chair when God’s got a new chair for us to move into, and it’s as simple as that. Thank you all very much, it’s been brilliant.”

Sam later added: “It’s been a privilege to have been a part of this church for the last 12 years. We’ve got some great friends and great memories.

“We’re going to be worshipping in a different building in a different place… but we’re one body, called to one hope. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.”